
Extra Curricular Clubs

At Ascot Road Primary School we aim to provide varied after school experiences, where pupils can enjoy a range of creative, artistic and sporting activities.  Some clubs are led voluntarily by school staff, whilst others are led by specialist outside agencies.

 Please find below a table of all of the clubs available this Spring term.

Club Staff member Yr Group Day
Football Mr Noorali and Mr Savage Y5/6 Mondays
Zumba Dancing Mrs Aikman (outside provider) KS1/KS2 Tuesdays
Football  Watford FC KS1 Tuesdays
Art and Design Mrs Saxena KS1 Tuesdays
Cheerleading Apex (outside provider) KS2 Wednesdays
Singing Club Mr Russell KS2 Wednesdays
Disney Detectives Mrs Bray KS1/KS2 Wednesdays
Cooking Mr Robb KS2 Thurs Lunchtimes
Phonics (By invitation only) Ms Verna KS1 Thursdays
Dodgeball Apex (outside provider) KS2 Thursdays
Stage School Mrs Beere KS2 Fri Lunchtimes
Breakfast Morning Club Apex (outside provider KS1/KS2 Everyday