
Our Governance

Ascot Road Primary School is part of Danes Educational Trust.

Danes Educational Trust Board has responsibility for the operation of the Trust, but delegates some of the responsibilities to a local level. Therefore, schools within the Trust have a School Board, comprising local Governors. The School Board holds four meetings per year. In addition, each School Board has an Admissions Committee and a Senior Staff Pay and Remuneration Committee.

For governance documents and financial info about the Trust including the schools funding agreement please visit the trust website

Danes EducationAL Trust

Abolade Odunsi - Chair of Governors

Abolade is a senior procurement professional working within the manufacturing industry.

Abolade holds a degree in Business and Enterprise Management, complemented by a Diploma from the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply.

Abolade has been a governor at Ascot Road since 2020 and became the chair of governors in September 2022.

"I am excited to take on this position and to give back to the local community. In my spare time, I enjoy going to the gym and playing netball".

Natalie Beere - Head of School

Natalie Beere Head of School at Ascot Road

Michael Orr- Elected Staff Governor

Michael has a BA (Hons) in Theology and Religious Studies, alongside a PGCE obtained from Plymouth Marjon University. Following involvement in community outreach projects in Kent, he completed his teacher training in 2018.

Michael joined Ascot Road Primary School in 2022 as a Key Stage 1 Teacher and has since taken on various leadership roles, including Key Stage Lead, Coordinator for Religious Education (RE), Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), and an Early Career Teacher (ECT) Mentor.

In his first staff governor role, Michael is enthusiastic about contributing to Ascot Road's continued success in supporting pupils to reach their full potential.

In addition to his service within the Trust, Michael is actively involved in volunteering with his local cub pack in Chesham and serves as a livestream operator at his local church.

Anjali Kotak- Trust Appointed Governor

Anjali is a finance professional, specialising in Investor Relations and has worked in the education industry for a number of years.

Anjali hopes to bring her analytical and good communication skills to the governor role and looks forward to contributing to the Ascot Road School Board.

Maaya Modha- Trust Appointed Governor

Maaya Modha is a Senior Teaching Fellow, practising pharmacist, writer, and current master's student researching Creative Health.

Maaya has worked in academia for almost a decade, teaching both pharmacy and medical students, and greatly enjoys connecting with students and young people to support their learning.

Maaya is also passionate about the intersection of arts and health, and she is currently researching how creative practices can influence human wellbeing.

Maaya will bring her unique background in terms of teaching experience, knowledge of the UK education system, and keen interest in creativity to her role as a School Governor to support the team at Ascot Road to provide students with the best possible experience.

Louise Starling - Trust Appointed Governor

Louise works for an international law firm in Responsible Business focusing on their charitable giving, sustainability, community engagement and education outreach. She previously worked for young people and education focused charities, including The Duke of Edinburgh's Award (The DofE) and New Schools Network (Academy Ambassadors Programme). 

Darren Steer - Trust Appointed Governor

Darren is a husband and father of 2, in his spare time he is a global Facilities Manager.  This is Darren’s first time as a school governor, and he is keen to support both the children in their journey of development and the team at Ascot Road in achieving our vision and promoting the values of the school.

Jun Xia - Trust Appointed Governor

New to role - Details coming soon
